• Logo Oak Bay Beach Hotel
  • 30%

    Food Waste Reduction

  • 7:1 ROI

    Invest Smartly

  • 12 tonnes

    CO2 prevented per year

The cost of food is skyrocketing. What was affordable is now expensive, and F&B operators are forced to raise menu prices to account for increased input costs. There are tons of ways you can reduce food waste and reduce food costs as well. With the help of a great food waste consultant, you can get the help you need to really get your budget under control and get results beyond the bottom line.

Food Waste Prevention Course & Certificate

Learn from our hospitality online training in as little as one hour to quickly reduce food costs with minimal effort. For all F&B establishments.

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Food Efficiency Assessments

Boost your restaurant profitability with a detailed BetterTable Food Audit. It can be combined with our BetterTable Game to interview key leaders, and with food waste monitoring technology. For hotels and restaurants willing to control food costs for enhanced productivity.

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